I launched myself into the deep end of the acting pool and took along my favorite "va-jay-jay"......
Our church (yes, we DO go to one....) planned to present a production of the Vagina Monologues, written by Eve Ensler (the step-mother of actor Dylan McDermott of "The Practice") during February. The church is Unitarian Universalist and claims (rightly) to be a "liberal, religious community". So, even though we live in a fairly conservative community (even for California!) there are pockets of rebel forces. ;) I am a proud, lifetime member.
They (CVUUF) booked a date, found a director and assistant director and had an audition call. I happened upon the announcement of the auditions just in time to sign up.
I auditioned (an experience in and of itself), and was cast. Wow!!!!
Which one did I get??? Um.....yeah......if you have seen the production, and you know me well, you will know which monologue I did.....even if you don't know me well....you might still be able to guess which monologue I did. Can you guess??
Rumor is.....I was cast nearly as soon as I applied to audition. The Director is also the minister of our church and she knew which monologue she wanted me to do.
Being "Reader's Theatre", it was a production where I would not be required to memorize lines (I mean, I could if I wanted). It also meant I would not have other actors to dialog with and to get cues from. Watching the kids learn and embrace acting made me want to try it out. I have seen several productions of the V-Monologues within the past few years, and the shows made a huge impact on my view of women and women's issues.
I've always been a rebel and a feminist, so it was time to put them both together and go on a rant.
It was fun! The ensemble was made of up fairly equally of those I already knew and thsoe I didn't. Little did I know that some of those I didn't know would become very dear to me in a very short time.
The week of the performances I developed some sort of affliction in my throat. Post nasal drip caused lots of dryness. I drank hot tea and ate raw honey at every turn. I read my monologue so much, I PRACTICALLY knew it by heart. Since it's a rant, I didn't think it would be realistic to keep my script onstage with me. I also moved a lot, and used my hands for emphasis.
We had two days of dress rehearsals jsut before the following two nights of performances. I literally choked on both dress rehearsals. I was terrified that I would NOT be able to do it or that I would lose my voice. You can't be angry and whisper.....
This wasn't a case of stage fright. However, when I started to cough during rehearsals, I would lose my place in my rant and then screw it all up. I felt like such an ass on Wednesday and Thursday night. What in my right mind made me think I could actually ACT? The first performance was Friday and I was terrified.
At the last second, I decided to keep hold of my script.....my "wubbie"....my security blanket....if nothing else, I could throw my script on the floor and stomp off stage if I blew it again....
Well the stars were properly aligned, the girls were in the circle with me.....whatever ju-ju was pulling for me....it worked. I nailed it and felt like I sailed right up through the thick layer of ice that kept me in my shell. The best part of the process was the love and support I received from the cast.

The Va-jay-jays of the cast: Robin, Penny, Christina, Laura McL..., Pamela, Bea, Carol, Tricia, Darcey, S. Krystal, Laura McG...Mary Ellen, Bett....I can never thank enough.
I was angry and it was a GOOD thing........
And I learned I love Georgia O'Keefe paintings, too.