Jeez! I've ignored my blogs for what, nearly 6 months? And Blogger goes and changes things. I can mobile blog? THAT's cool! But, this is just my OWN blog and maybe I should really update the family blog so people can know what the whole family is up to.
Today is my 42nd birthday. It sounds....not so great, but in looking in the mirror this morning, I was not completely disappointed. Yeah, I've packed on a couple more pounds than I like, and I can work on that at any time....I really can. But, overall....not too bad! It probably helps that I just got my hair cut and colored the other day. For the rest, eh....I'm just choosing to remain somewhat comfortable right now. Summer in SoCal is just NOT the time to kick into gear a new exercise regimen! In another month, during the very cool mornings or very cool evenings, I'll kick my own rear into gear.
I think I'm fully recovered from the CHN Family Expo. It was an exhausting blast! After being down all day with a massive sinus headache that, thankfully, didn't erupt into something more, I am enjoying a calm and beautiful day! It's about 80 degrees out with a gorgeous breeze! Not too hot in the house (so no A/C need be on) and thinking about how ancient I might feel when Huey Lewis is singing "I Want A New Drug" tonight at the Ventura County Fair! We are going with our dearest friends and NO KIDS!!!!!
Okay, more later. I figure this is good for another 6 months, right? ;)