Monday, January 26, 2009

Still know,....Whatever, Whomever

Can't believe it's 2009. New Year, New Prez...New things to Bitch about.

Actually, I don't have anything to bitch about.

I'll be part of an ensemble cast for the Vagina Monologues on February 20 and 21. That was a totally cool "on a whim" thing. I heard my church was doing a production, signed on for an audition and got cast!

I've also recently discovered "Twilight".....yeah, I can hear all the hissing.....Shut up! It's a great story! I've already seen the movie four times and can't wait for it to be released on video.

I went away with my "chosen sisters" for a great weekend. Just girls! Lots of alcohol....not that many tears, surprisingly enough.

Okay, that's enough for now so you know we haven't fallen off the face of the Earth.

I'm REALLY going to work harder to do some decent, regular updating.....



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