Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.......so I started my own blog and then what happens? I don't do ANY blogging for awhile.....
So, what HAVE I been doing? My usual; playing with the kids, discovering their wonderful personalities, homeschooling. Doing the Legal Eagle thing for CHN. Staying in trouble, 'cause how boring is it to be OUT of trouble?; Thinking about my life and where it's been and where it is going and enjoying my exceptional husband.
I have talked to so many people lately that have husbands who aren't really husbands. Or maybe they aren't really MEN. They tell their wives that the children are the wife's "job" and in the case of homeschooling, that's their job, too.
One lady I talked to recently told me that her husband and son (he's 6) FIGHT when the husband comes home!! So, she has to referee.... I told her that she has TWO children.
Thank the gods mine is not like that. He has his faults and he's human (again....thanking the gods). But he never treats me inferiorly. Not that I would even allow it for a second, nor would I treat him like that, either. I don't really understand existing in a marriage like that. Why would you bother?
I can say fun things like "it's been my existence in his world that his made him like that. But that wouldn't be true. We didn't meet (formally) until we were both in our mid-(ish) 20's. He had a life before me. Many, many other influences before discovering he couldn't live without me.
His mother is wonderful. I think that has had the most affect. I hope I am comfort to my son when he is grown and begins a family of his own.
Seriously, WHERE are all the MEN?
~~PhoeNyx~~ )O(