Well, NOW, a couple of judges in the Second District now say that "parents do not have a Constituational Right to educate their children". Excuse me??? Who died and made you The Almighty?? Oh, right.....the roaches.
Can you say "Orwellian"? I was never required to read "1984" in my high school English class (or any other since then), and I have not yet gotten to that on my "Literature to Read" book list, but I know what the term means and that book is going to the top of the list.
Ah, Mr. Orwell, I hope you are enjoying this great laughable 21st Century Society.
What does this all mean?
It means that pretty soon we might be hearing about women being broodmares and once those babies are born, someone is going to whisk them away to a credentialed teacher to teach them all they need to know--how to walk, how to talk, how to eat.....because only "the state can be responsible for educating good and responsible patriotic citizens" or some load of crap such as that.
Homeschooling is not for whimps. It takes courage and patience. Those that start out with neither either find some or give up! Giving up on your children totally sucks.
Oh, and those California citizens who have their children in public school, they have to stop helping them with the mounds of homework that come home each night because these "credentialed teachers" are more skilled at "classroom management" (that's a fancy new catchphrase for "my class contains a bunch of hoodlums!") and aren't keeping up with the INSANE standards in order to qualify for federal monies. We, in California need that federal money because the state education budget keeps getting cut! So, I hope the schools have invested the scarce monies into 24-hour Homework Hotlines. Because unless you hold a "parenting credential", those kids are toast.
Pop Quiz--who founded this country? Men of honor who were tutored at home and the became self-educated. That is one goal of homeschoolers; not to beat the love of learning out of the children with meaningless tests that confirm nothing except that tax money is being seriously wasted. That's another thing, I have not once asked if I get a tax refund for homeschooling my kids. My tax money STILL goes to the local area public schools, just as my tax money continues to fund welfare programs I hope to never use. Do I get a refund for that if I never use them?
Our STAR Judges seem to have forgotten that fact. I suppose that the fact that homeschooling is outlawed in Germany seemed "appealing". Do they know why? Well, Hilter followed that flawed logica. Is he really the best example in the illustrious history of the world? These judges have conveniently forgotten that if we ignore history, we are destined to repeat it. I am going to be rethinking my desire to someday obtain my law degree if it means that I will then be a "certified idiot". Perhaps Judge Croskey is simply going mushy in the brain.
Having all the homeschooled kids in California showing up at the school districts AT ONCE (because that 166,000 number is way too low) is NOT going to make money magically appear in the state coffers. I realize we are close to St. Patrick's Day, but they must be breaking out barrels full of green beer EARLY in that court chamber!
It's all horsepuckey. I'm sick of my personal freedoms being erased day by day. You don't control when and if I get to have kids and you certainly don't control how I go about raising them. Education is part of raising. All of the "home educated" children I have encountered are the most wonderful people on the planet. It's impossible to tell us not to teach them. What a couple of morons.
I hope their benches get terminated with their asses firmly stuck in them.

So, please think of us and do what you do; pray, invoke Freya or Buddha, send us chocolate chip cookies or some more green beer (all of California's Private Reserve has been be confiscated by the Appellate Court in Los Angeles) and while you are at it, call a Congressman in Washington and remind him or her about the founding fathers of this country. We do like a good revolt every few hundred years or so!
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